WMG (Warren/Morris/Goshen) Recreation presents...
Find the Missing Snowmen!
Each Town (Warren, Morris, Goshen) has 12 Missing Snowmen that need to be found!
The Snowmen are hidden at focal points all around Town. Pack up the kids, the dog and start exploring!
Visit the Facebook page of the Recreation Department in your Town for possible daily clues on the whereabouts of the Missing Snowmen!
When you find a Snowman, scan his "QR Code" (found on his scarf), fill out the Google form and start looking for the next!
Prize drawing held for residents that find all 12 Snowmen in their respective Towns. Prize is a $25.00 gift certificate to a local business!
Find all 36 snowmen (12 in each Town) and be entered into a drawing for the Grand Prize! The Grand Prize is a $100.00 gift certificate to a local business of your choosing!
Program begins on Wednesday, January 20 and runs until Tuesday, February 16, 2021.